Hi All,
Today was our second last day of work experience at the Renaissance. I had the pleasure of spending the day in the HR department, the morning was spent with Ron learning the inns and outs of the Marriott training procedures, including the AMAZING website, all about passport to success and information on legislation and the Malaysian Gov schemes for training - companies in Malaysia are required to pay a percentage of their labour costs into a fund which they then can access to use for training and training equipment, what a great way to ensure the country has continuous training for its employed!
The afternoon consisted of a run down on the other HR departmental areas from Lim Chui Fung the KL Renaissance HR Manager, the required steps taken by Marriott when recruiting staff, industrial disputes, staff activities, team building events, annual leave and public holidays. I was impressed with learning more in depth about the activities going on in the HR department and thank the staff for sharing their knowledge and time (very busy people) with me.
Sommer and Donna participated in an official signing ceremony, and the other girls worked on concierge, club lounge, events and Temptations.
Tonight was spent by the girls, shopping (those of us who have any money left!!), fish foot spas and relaxing around the hotel.
Tomorrow is our last day working before we have a few days of tourist activities and then home to the Goldie. There are mixed emotions from the girls as most are missing home and loved ones - but at the same time its hard not to enjoy the hotel, activities, city of KL and all that comes with it!
Jumpa Lagi