Sunday 29 November 2009

day 1

hi everyone!
so day one has been and almost gone already.
Today we had lunch at old precious china which was very yummy and traditional, we ate with our fingers!
We then went on a tour of KL (Kuala Lumpur) which included going to the Malaysia museum, seeing the kings of malaysia palace, pertranus towers, and the national mosque.
It is very very hot and muggy here!
We are all having a great time. Our rooms are great and the hotel is amazing! lots of fun activities are still to come including tonight when we are going to the Buk Bintang night markets where we are all very excited to do lots of shopping!!!!! yes that means presents for you all.
some intersesting things we saw/did today were:
-a little pussy cat on the side walk, he was sick but cute!
-we decided to get group photo's and during the process other tourists wanted to get photo's of us. but we also found ourselves getting filmed by randoms all over the place.
- we ate blue rice, papaya, yellow watermelon, dragon fruit and we ate our lunch with our hands!
some of the more daring/experimental people, like me, ventured out and tried an icecream hotdog! and a chrisanthemum drink, yummy yummy.
ok so all is going well and lots of fun things to look forward to.

please write back to us if you feel like it.

will be posting something new every day!

bye for now, but not forever.
